Payment, shipping & collection of orders


If you can pick up your orders, this saves on shipping materials and protects the environment. You also have the option of choosing your own corals for 'off-the-peg' corals, i.e. cuttings without an original photo.

However, Tom's Coral Farm is not a retail store. We are focused on breeding and online shipping. The processes are quite tight and time is always tight because Tom's Corals is only a part-time project and everything that needs to be done has to be accommodated in the limited time available.

I therefore offer the following windows for collection with prior notification:

Mondays and Wednesdays 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm

General information on shipping

The corals are carefully packed. I send the animals in packaging specially developed for this purpose. The corals are packed hanging upside down and activated charcoal is added. The packaging is placed in a polystyrene box and secured against slipping. This polystyrene box, in turn, is wrapped in cardboard. Depending on the weather, heat packs are placed between the polystyrene box and the cardboard. This creates an insulating layer of warm air that compensates for fluctuations in the ambient temperature. This packaging system has also proved its worth in winter.

Changes to delivery date or delivery address

A change of delivery date or delivery address must be sent as an email and is only considered accepted if we confirm it by email.

Live arrival guarantee

If one or more corals do not survive shipping, there is a live arrival guarantee, simply because of the legal basis that I, as a trader, have to ensure that the shipped goods reach the customer undamaged. Incidentally, this applies to all online retailers. It means that you will be refunded the money for a coral that has been damaged in transit. In order for me to initiate the refund, however, it must be clear to me that the animal has perished due to damage that occurred during transportation.

You can find details of the procedure in the event of a claim here:

In general:
We will find a solution if there are any defects. Please contact me, I look forward to your feedback.

Live animal shipping

Within Germany and Austria, corals are shipped with General Overnight GO! and with UPS Express Saver certified live animal shipping. The other countries are shipped with UPS Express Saver. The shipping costs to your destination country can be found in the table below. If the actual shipping costs are significantly higher than stated in the flat rate, I reserve the right to add these to the invoice in consultation with you. Unfortunately, UPS has increased my shipping costs considerably. In principle, shipping costs will not be refunded.