Supply systems

Balling Light System

The system for professionals...

... and those who want to become one.

The care of small polyp stony corals is one of the supreme disciplines in marine aquaristics. The Balling Light system from Fauna Marin offers a good basis that covers all the needs of these sensitive fish, from beginners to professionals. As a basic system, Balling Light combines the supply of corals with bulk elements and trace elements, whereby the consumption of trace elements is linked to that of bulk elements and is therefore not dosed on suspicion. 

As every tank 'runs' differently, it may be necessary to adjust the dosing quantities over time. Fauna Marin supports you here with the Laboratory analysis your water values, a comprehensive Knowledge databaseto be able to better classify the results of your analyses, and Calculatorswith which you can coordinate the adjustments to your dosing quantities.

We now use the Balling Light System as the basic supply system in my coral farm because it is easy to use and safe. 

You can find more information about the Balling Light System on the Fauna Marin website. Here we explain how you can keep different types of coral using the Balling Light System as a basis.

In the store I have put together all the products you need to operate your aquarium with the Balling Light System.


Marine aquariums can be so simple.

One preparation for everything.

You know my LPS tank from my Youtube-Channel. And in fact this aquarium is only operated with an all-in-one preparation: Ready2Reef from Fauna Marin.

Ready2Reef provides a variety of corals with everything they need to live. The dosage of Ready2Reef is based on the carbonate hardness. If KH is used up, Ready2Reef buffers it back up to 7-8°dH and thus doses all the important elements in the correct ratio according to consumption.

This means that colorful coral aquariums with crustose anemones, large polyp stony corals or soft corals can be kept without much effort.

For details on how to maintain a merrtwater aquarium with Ready2Reef, visit Fauna Marin.