Corals for successfully setting up a saltwater aquarium
You have set up your tank and would now like to start with a sensible initial stocking to get your tank started? Here you will find a selection of corals that I would recommend.
Soft corals and gorgonians
The least demanding corals in our aquariums are certainly leather corals such as Kenia trees or mushroom leather corals or zooxantellar gorgonians such as Pinnigorgia. To check whether the water is suitable for the start, I like to introduce a kenia tree first. If this opens the polyps and is in a good position, more corals can follow.
In general, the corals that I use for the initial stocking are often not the corals that will characterize the subsequent stocking. The initial stocking should form the environment in which more demanding corals can later thrive. The first corals should be insensitive and fast-growing in order to boost nutrient turnover. The corals absorb nutrients dissolved in the water and convert them into biomass. Soft corals in particular then release nutrients back into the water in organic form, as their surface is constantly renewing itself. Other corals can then also benefit from this, as they can utilize this material.
Even if I, as a dealer, have an interest in you buying corals from me, the best place to get this initial stocking is from aquarist friends. Check whether there are regional WhatsApp or Facebook groups where cuttings are exchanged. Here you can get in touch with other aquarists, the first corals and, very importantly, you can also get rid of the corals again if they get too big or you want to replace your first stock with more demanding animals.
First stocking in the store
CTO – Pinnigorgia, Gorgonie, ca. 12cm
29,90 € -
CTO – Sinularia Flexibilis ‚Green‘
29,90 € -
CTO – Sinularia Mollis
29,90 € -
Pinnigorgia Sp.
incl. VAT
plus. Shipping costs
Sarcophyton ehrenbergi
incl. VAT
plus. Shipping costs
Muricea gorgonia 'Purple'
incl. VAT
plus. Shipping costs
Eunicea gorgonia
incl. VAT
plus. Shipping costs
Briareum, branching growth
incl. VAT
plus. Shipping costs
LPS - large polyp stony corals
Many large polyp stony corals can cope with a wide range of nutrient levels in the water. It is said that LPS in particular like 'dirtier' water - i.e. higher nitrate and phosphate levels, but many can also cope with nutrient-limited water. This is because they can actively feed. If the tank initially resembles a biological desert due to the sparse stocking, in which Montipora and Acropora would have problems surviving, a Caulastrea or bearded coral can thrive because they can grab a piece of the fish food with their polyps and make ends meet.
Here is a list of possible species:
- Acanthastrea/Micromussa
- Caulastrea
- Hypnophora
- Alveopora (green)
- Simple Euphyllia species
- Cyphastrea
- Favia/Favites
- Fungia Rainbow
Entry-level LPS in the store
Duncanopsammia axifuga
incl. VAT
plus. Shipping costs
Favia 'Green Eyes'
incl. VAT
plus. Shipping costs
Leptastrea 'Green'
incl. VAT
plus. Shipping costs
Cyphastrea 'Meteor Shower'
incl. VAT
plus. Shipping costs
Chalice Golden Eye
incl. VAT
plus. Shipping costs
Euphyllia Golden Nugget
incl. VAT
plus. Shipping costs
Chalice 'Green & Blue'
incl. VAT
plus. Shipping costs
Euphyllia Bicolor
incl. VAT
plus. Shipping costs
Zoas - Crustacean anemones
Many crustacean anemones are also tolerant of fluctuations in the water values. However, there are big differences in their growth habits. Some zoas grow so quickly that they can cover the entire reef structure in a short time, displacing other corals in the process. For this reason, these species should be placed on a rock separately from the reef structure. Nevertheless, the invasively growing color morphs are also great for getting started in the hobby. Who isn't happy when an animal thrives and reproduces in the aquarium!
Less demanding zoas
- Sunny Ds
- Utter chaos
- Blueberry Pie
- Miami Vice
- Frozen Nebula
- Fake chili
Invasive growing species
- Alien Explosion
- Fairy Muncher
- Nightmares
- Mohawks
Zoas in the store
Chalice 'Yellow Eye'
incl. VAT
plus. Shipping costs
Grandmaster Krakatoa' Zoa 3 polyps
incl. VAT
plus. Shipping costs
Grandmaster Krakatoa' Zoa 3 polyps
incl. VAT
plus. Shipping costs
Grandmaster Krakatoa' Zoa 3 polyps
incl. VAT
plus. Shipping costs
Candy Apple Pink Zoa
incl. VAT
plus. Shipping costs
Blood Suckers Zoa
incl. VAT
plus. Shipping costs
Dragons Eye Zoa
incl. VAT
plus. Shipping costs
Space Monsters Zoa
incl. VAT
plus. Shipping costs
SPS - small polyp stony corals
If the initial stocking is good, simple SPS can follow. Here, too, there are some species that are forgiving of mistakes and do not dissolve at the first KH fluctuation.
Well suited here are:
- Montipora digitata - branching growth
- Montipora - plate-shaped growth
- Seriatopora Calliendrum
- Seriatopora hystrix
- Stylopora 'Milka' and others
Entry-level SPS in the store
TK Honey Dew
incl. VAT
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TK Honey Dew
incl. VAT
plus. Shipping costs
Montipory digitata 'Silver & Purple'
incl. VAT
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Montipory digitata 'Silver & Purple'
incl. VAT
plus. Shipping costs
Pocillopora damicornis
incl. VAT
plus. Shipping costs
Seriatopora Calliendrum Pink 'One Portion'
incl. VAT
plus. Shipping costs
Seriatopora Bird of Paradise 'One Portion'
incl. VAT
plus. Shipping costs
Seriatopora Bicolor 'One Portion'
incl. VAT
plus. Shipping costs
Many marine aquarists aim to care for these sensitive SPS.
The following animals are suitable for getting to grips with this:
- Acropora 'Joker'
- Acropora tuminda 'Enzmann'
- Acropora tortuosa
- Acropora 'Tricolor'
- Acropora formosa
It is better not to take it at the beginning:
- Acropora tenuis
- Acropora tillepora
- Acropora echinata
- Acropora selago
- Acropora speciosa
Beginner acropores in the store
TK Mango Garden
incl. VAT
plus. Shipping costs
FM Sour Patch
incl. VAT
plus. Shipping costs
TK Mango Garden
incl. VAT
plus. Shipping costs
FM Sour Patch
incl. VAT
plus. Shipping costs
TK Mango Garden
incl. VAT
plus. Shipping costs
Acropora Tenuis ‚Metalli Green‘
incl. VAT
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Poccilopora ‚Yellow & Purple‘
incl. VAT
plus. Shipping costs
TK Aussi Purple Tips
incl. VAT
plus. Shipping costs